Setting up a Pan360° presentation

Setting up a Pan360° presentation

To set up a Pan360° of your design in ArtiCAD, you must have the product installed and activated. For more information, click here or contact your local ArtiCAD Sales Team.

Once you have created your design and are ready to produce your Pan360º  render, the first step is to position your camera.

Click on Camera View:

The main difference between doing a 360°  render and a regular single view is the position you use the camera to. Unlike a regular view, when creating a 360º  it is important to position your camera in the centre of the space you are generating a view of. The point you place the camera in will become the pivotal axis the view rotates around:

The direction the camera is pointing will also be the starting view when producing a Pan360º. Once you are happy with the location and direction of the camera, it is important to ensure the pitch of the camera is set to ‘0’, so the view remains parallel with the floor.

Just as with a regular render, the height at which the camera is set to, will determine how high off the ground the camera is set. In this example we have set the height to ‘1200’.

Now the camera is adequately positioned you can click the options button above to choose your 3D preferences. For this demonstration we are going to render in HD with the Quality set to ‘High’ with the Antialiasing Quality set to ‘x4’. This is a balanced render between quality and speed:

Now your camera is positioned and all relevant quality settings have been determined, you can click on the ‘Pan360°’ button at the top of the screen. This will open a prompt asking for ‘Panorama Size’ and ‘Deployment Name’:

Panorama size refers to the size of each of the six square renders produced to create a Pan360. A recommended size is around 750 again, this is a balance between speed and quality.

The deployment name is what you choose to call your Pan360º. When choosing a deployment name ensure there are no spaces as this name will be used to create the Pan360º URL:

Once you have clicked ‘OK’ the render will start producing your panorama:

Once completed you can click ‘OK’ on the next popup to confirm the renders have finished:

The next window that appears will present you with the option of deploying this Pan360 now or later. Click ‘yes’ to host your Pan360 online for you to view:

It will then ask you to confirm your deployment name, at this stage you can choose to rename the deployment if wish:


Once you confirm, ArtiCAD will automatically open another window in your web browser with the completed panorama: