Setting the correct supplier pricelist terms are essential for getting the most out of KBBConnect. When
you have set the correct discount percentage you receive from your suppliers and entered the margin
you wish to achieve, KBBConnect will automatically calculate your buying and selling prices and the
profit that you will achieve on a project.

NOTE: It is also easy to change the buying and selling prices directly within a particular job, even for a
particular item.
How to change your Supplier terms
As soon as you have received confirmation by email that you have been approved to use a supplier
pricelist, we recommend you set up the correct Terms in the ‘Terms’ tab of KBBConnect. Failing to set
up the Terms correctly could give you the incorrect pricing for the job. It is your responsibility to set
your Discounts and Margins correctly.
The Terms View displays a list of all your pricelists in the Catalogue Pane on the left hand side of the
screen. As you click on each pricelist you will see a list of all the Discount Groups available for that
pricelist in the main part of the Window. Discount groups are the different categories of products in a
pricelist for which you can assign different discount percentages and margins.
In the example below the pricelist is broken down into multiple price-groups, all of which can be
assigned different percentage discounts. You will be informed of your discount information by your
sales representative.
If no discount or margin percentages have been set then you will see identical costs and quote prices
in your project.
Adding Range Specific Discounts
Some pricelists are split into different discount groups by the supplier; some are even split by price
band or range.
1. To set up your price-list to allow range specific discounts select on the ‘Add Ranges’ button in
the Terms tab.
2. Select the discount group you wish to split into ranges.
To display all the ranges for All Discounts groups, rather than having to select each discount
group in turn and selecting Add Ranges, select ALL in the Select Discount Group dialog box.
Should you decide you no longer require the Ranges for a pricelist select the Delete Ranges
button and they will be removed.