Processor Information

Processor Information

When rendering an image in Line Drawing, Photo Realism or HD, ArtiCAD uses your system’s processor (CPU).

The more powerful your processor, the faster it will render the image. If you feel your renders are taking too long you may need to look at upgrading your processor. Some systems have a limited capacity for upgrading the processor. However in most cases you will need to upgrade your entire system to get access to a faster processor.

Desktop processors are more powerful than the equivalent laptop version (laptop processors are optimised to conserve battery life in preference to processing performance). If you do not need a portable system then you will get better value from a desktop than a laptop. You can get laptop systems that are almost as powerful but expect to pay a lot more.

Processors are comprised of physical cores and usually logical cores. We recommend a processor with at least four physical cores. However ArtiCAD will utilise all available cores, so if you chose to use a processor with more physical cores the additional cores will not be wasted.

There are many options for processors and although we cannot recommend you a specific one, we can advise whether it meets our minimum specification which can be found here. Please contact your local ArtiCAD Support Team for more information.
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