My screen is going white when rendering

My screen is going white when rendering

If the screen is going blank when rendering, it means you are operating the 32-bit version of ArtiCAD instead of 64-bit.

To check this:

1. Select 'Help' at the top of ArtiCAD and click 'About'.

2. The About window will display if you are running 32-bit or 64-bit.

If 32-bit is displayed:

1. Close the ArtiCAD application.

2. Delete the ArtiCAD shortcut from your desktop.

3. Locate the C:Drive (or the location where your ArtiCAD is stored).

4. Open the 'articad' folder.

5. Open the '64bit' folder.

6. Locate the application 'app' and right click on it.

7. Click 'Create a shortcut'

8. Right click on the new shortcut and select 'Send to Desktop'

If 64-bit is displayed:

Contact your local ArtiCAD Support Team.

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