Transfer Licences To Other Computers

Transfer Licences To Other Computers

In order to use ArtiCAD you require a valid licence. You will have received an activation code for a licence with your software. The licence installs onto one machine. This licence can then be shared between other computers running ArtiCAD. The sections below cover the three most likely setups. In each case, the term "main computer" refers to the machine with the licence installed on it.

Setup 1 - Two or more systems permanently connected to the same network.

This is the simplest setup with a shared licence. All the PCs on the network with ArtiCAD installed will be able to "see" the licence on the main PC. As long as the licence is not in use (either on the main PC or on another PC on the network) ArtiCAD will automatically pickup the licence.

Activate your ArtiCAD licence on the main PC. You will only need to do this once. Instructions can be found here.

Start ArtiCAD, either on the main PC or any other system on the network.

If the licence is already in use ArtiCAD will fall back to the trial licence (if available) and once that is exhausted you will get the Activation Dialog box.

To stop using a licence so it can be used by another PC, simply close ArtiCAD.

Setup 2 - Two or more systems connected to the same network, one of which is portable. 

With all the system connected to the network, you can work as described in Setup 1. However, with a laptop, you will want to work away from the main network and so take your licence with you.

Generally speaking, you will want the main PC to be the machine that stays in the office, only taking the licence "out" when required. If anything happens to the laptop whilst it has the licence (lost, stolen etc), it is easier to resolve this issue if the main PC is still available.

Taking the licence off the main PC, onto the laptop.

1. Activate your ArtiCAD licence on the main PC. You will only need to do this once. Instructions can be found here.

2. Ensure your licence isn't already in use on another PC somewhere on your network.

3. While the laptop is connected to the same network as the main PC, start ArtiCAD, then click 'File' - 'Activate ArtiCAD'.

4. Click the 'Network Detach' tab.


5. If the laptop can 'see' the main PC, it will display the licence ID (in the image below that is 01234567890123456789), the name of the main PC and address. Select the number of days you want to detach the licence from the 'main' PC onto the 'other' PC. After the number of days specified have passed the licence will automatically revert to the 'main' PC. See below for instructions on returning the licence sooner.

Click 'Detach License'.

If the licence has been detached successfully, you will see the following message.

If there is a problem while detaching, the following will appear.

The most likely cause for this error is ArtiCAD still running on the 'main' PC. Check ArtiCAD is closed and try again. If it persists, reboot the main PC and try detaching again.

When ArtiCAD starts it will warn you that the licence is on a timer and tell you when it is due to expire.

Returning the the licence from the laptop onto the main PC.

1. While the laptop is connected to the same network as the main PC, start ArtiCAD, then click 'File' - 'Activate ArtiCAD'.

2. Click the 'Cancel' tab.

3. Click the 'Cancel Licence' button. The following message should appear:

The licence is now back on the main PC.

Setup 3 - Two or more system not connected to the same network.

In the situation where you have two systems in seperate physical locations, you can transfer the licence using a USB memory stick.

Before you can transfer a licence to another PC, you must first prepare the USB stick so it can receive the licence. This process is automated and you only have to do it once for each system you intend on using the licence on.

The following assumes you have installed ArtiCAD on all the PCs required, and that you have activated your licence on the 'main' PC.

1. Insert your USB memory stick into the 'other'.

2. Start ArtiCAD, click 'File' - 'Activate'.

3. Click the "Network Detach" tab.

4. Click 'Add this client machine to USB memory stick'. If successful you will see the following. 

Note the name of the name of the file it writes (in this case ''). 'AMB-PC' is the name of the PC. You will need this when you detach the licence (see below).

If you do get an error to say it failed, check the USB drive is connected properly, is formatted correctly and has some free space on it.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 on each PC you wish to use ArtiCAD on.

Detach the licence from the main PC onto the USB stick.

1. Insert the USB memory stick you used on the 'other' PC into the 'main'.

2. On the 'main' PC, start ArtiCAD, click 'File' - 'Activate ArtiCAD'.

3. Click the 'Network Detach' tab.

4. Select the number of days you want to detach the licence from the 'main' PC onto the 'other' PC. After the number of days specified have passed the licence will automatically revert to the 'main' PC. See below for instructions on returning the licence sooner.

Select the PC name you wish to give the licence to from the drop-down list (from the previous example, that would be 'AMB-PC'), then click 'Save licence to USB'.

5. Plug the USB drive into the "other" PC and start ArtiCAD. It will automatically detect the licence on the USB drive and move it onto that PC. Once ArtiCAD is running you can remove the USB drive if you so wish.

When ArtiCAD starts it will warn you that the licence is on a timer and tell you when it is due to expire.

Returning a licence via USB.

1. On the 'other' PC that currently has the licence, insert the USB key you used to transfer the licence and start ArtiCAD.

2. Click 'File' - 'Activate'.

3. Click the 'Cancel' tab.

4. Click 'Cancel Licence'. The following message should appear. 

5. Plug the USB key into the 'main' PC and start ArtiCAD. It will automatically detect the returned licence on the USB drive and move it back onto the 'main' PC. 
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