What is background rendering?

What is background rendering?

This section explains Background Rendering, a new feature for Version 22. Background rendering allows you to render images in the background, meaning you can continue designing in ArtiCAD. This can be done with single or multiple renders.

Once the camera view has been set, click the drop-down menu next to Render and select ‘Do a background render’

Choose a name for the render and select ‘Save’. Images are automatically saved in the images folder but can be saved in any chosen location.

The Background Render Options will be presented where you can select the Resolution of the renders as well as the style – Photo Realism or HD. Once the settings have been chosen, select ‘OK’

The Background Renderer window opens to show you the progress of the renders. Here, there are multiple settings for the renders.

The arrows allow you to reorder the renders in the list to prioritise which ones need to be completed first.

The green play icon activates a job if it has been paused.

The blue stop icon deactivates a job. It will remain in the list until you resume it. 

The Red bin icon stops and deletes the job.

Renders can be opened by Double Clicking on them from the Renderer window or from the location that they were saved.

To schedule multiple renders, you will need to set up a camera list. To access this, click ‘Window’ and select ‘Set up Camera List’

Refer to the ‘Setting up a Camera List’ manual for guidance on how to add camera views.

Once the camera views have been set, select ‘Start Background Batch Render’. 

Choose a name for the renders and select ‘Save’. Images are automatically saved in the images folder but can be saved in any chosen location.

The Background Render Options will be presented where you can select the Resolution of the renders as well as the style – Photo Realism or HD. Once the settings have been chosen, select ‘OK’

The Background Renderer window will open to show you the progress of those renders. The settings in the window are best used when Batch Background renders are scheduled.

To access the background renderer window, click ‘Window’ and select ‘Show background renderer window’
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