How do I transfer files between ArtiCAD Online to my local computer?

How do I transfer files between ArtiCAD Online to my local computer?

Copying files between your local machine and the remote desktop is all done from the remote desktop.

Log into your remote desktop as normal.

Start File Explorer by clicking the Start button and then Server... The numbers and letters below 'Server' may be different on your system to the ones in the example image below.

On the left hand side of the File Explorer window, you will see the various drives available.

X-drive (Company (X:)) is where your plans, images etc are kept on the remote server.

Your local hard drive(s) will appear at the bottom of the list. In the example image above it shows as "Local Disk (C: on SUPPORT-PC2)". "SUPPORT-PC2" will be replaced by the name of your computer. 

If you have more than one drive on your local machine they will also be listed as individual drives (D: on SUPPORT-PC2, E: on SUPPORT-PC2 etc). By default ArtiCAD is installed on the C-drive in C:\ArtiCAD.

Select the file(s) on your local drive, right-click and select "Copy". Select the correct location on the X-drive, right-click and select "Paste". E.g copy kitchen plan files from
C:\ArtiCAD\kitchen\plans to X:\kitchen\plans.

To copy files from the remote server, select and copy the files on the X-drive and paste on the 'Local Disk...' drive.

NOTE - Copying files between the local and remote server can take several minutes.
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