How do I create a sloped ceiling?

How do I create a sloped ceiling?

It is very easy to add a sloped ceiling into your design. We use an item called a wedge, for which we can specify the dimensions.

1. Click on base units. 

2. Use the shortcut 'sp' and press enter.

3. Depending on which room system your designing in, the name of the wedge alters between Wedge/Top Wedge.

4. Select the Wedge then click OK.

5. Click OK and position in the plan, you can change the colour under the material name 'wedge'.

Specify the dimensions of your wedge using the following values:

Height Off Ground: Distance from the floor to the bottom of your sloped ceiling.

Width: How far the slope runs along the wall (in this example it runs 1500 in length).

Depth: How far the slope projects into the room.

Height: The difference between the Height off ground of the wedge and the Ceiling Height.
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