How can I check I have the correct prices?
If your discount structure is complex and you are not sure how KBBConnect has calculated your
discount, there is a simple way to check, using the KBBConnect Report Wrong Price feature.
Within a quotation, select the line in the quote containing the item you wish to check and then click
on the Report Wrong Price button at the bottom of the screen. This will display a window showing a
breakdown of the cost price and quotation price calculation.
NOTE: All prices in KBBConnect are quoted without VAT as VAT is handled separately by the system.
It displays:
- The item’s range.
- The catalogue price as stored in KBBConnect.
- The discount group that the item belongs to.
- The discount and margin percentages
This shows you, in detail, how the cost and quotation price is calculated. If the discount or margin
percentages are incorrect then you can easily go back to the Terms tab and change your percentages.
NOTE: If you change the discount and margin percentages, you will need to click on the Re-Price
option on the left hand Tasks menu within the Projects screen.
The Catalog Price shown will usually be the Retail price excluding VAT, or in some cases the Trade
price. In the event you are using a Trade pricelist then it is possible that you will not need a discount
percentage, the catalogue price may already be the same as your cost price.