Within ArtiCAD you can manually edit dimensions and remove and create your own.
Include/Remove All Dimensions
1. Select View which is along the top of the design interface.
2. Select Plan Options...
3. You can tick/untick Include dimensions, click OK to apply changes.
Create your own Dimensions on the Plan
1. Select Mode, select Drag & Drop.
2. Away from a unit, Right click on the plan.
3. Select Manual Dimension Line, this will give your cursor a small blue cross.
4. When moving the blue cross it will snap to points in the plan, corners of units walls etc.
5. Left click on the point you want to start the Dimension from.
6. Drag the mouse to the point you want the dimension to measure to
7. Left click again to finish the dimension.
Edit/Delete Dimensions
1. Select Mode which is along the top of the interface.
2. Select Edit Dimensions and Labels
3. If you select the Dimension you want to edit, hold down left click and drag your mouse to re-position.
4. If you select the Dimension you want to delete, press the delete key on the keyboard.
5. Go back to your plan when happy with the applied changes.