Error Codes / System not Loading
An unexpected exception has occurred, shutting down the application
1. Please ensure that you are on the latest version of Windows. 2. Locate the 'C:Drive' or 'Local Disk C'. This can be done by clicking on File Explorer at the bottom of your screen. (If your ArtiCAD system is stored in a different location, please ...
ArtiCAD is asking me for an activation code / product key
This can occur if you have more than one PC running ArtiCAD. Even though the machines may have their own ArtiCAD licences, if the option to 'never use other peoples licences' isn't ticked, it can be picked up by another PC that is on the same ...
My ArtiCAD is crashing when editing or moving units
Try the following: 1. Select ' Special' from the menu at the top of your system. 2. Choose 'Edit global ini' from the list. 3. Select the 'System' tab. 4. Untick 'Blum Active'. 5. Click 'Save'. 6. Restart ArtiCAD.
My screen is going white when rendering
If the screen is going blank when rendering, it means you are operating the 32-bit version of ArtiCAD instead of 64-bit. To check this: 1. Select 'Help' at the top of ArtiCAD and click 'About'. 2. The About window will display if you are running ...
I've updated ArtiCAD and now it wont open?
If you have done an update or installation of ArtiCAD and it will not open, it may be because the shortcut path has been lost. To resolve this: 1. Locate the C:Drive [This is where ArtiCAD is automatically installed, but if you have installed it ...
My plan wont open?
ArtiCAD may throw up an error message when loading plans, or display a blank screen. If plans have been amended and saved in a newer version and build of ArtiCAD, they will not open in an older version. 1. Ensure you are in the correct room system. ...
Error 1717 [BathCAD and BedCAD Users]
This is caused when you have a BedCAD or BathCAD licence and you have installed an ArtiCAD-Pro version in error. This prevents you from loading the software as the licence recognises that the wrong software has been installed. Please contact your ...
Sentinel Error Codes [H00...]
This applies to the majority of Sentinel error codes, but most common error codes: H0007, H0017, H0031, H0033, H0034, H0041. This is usually caused when an anti-virus scan or Windows update conflicts with ArtiCAD’s licensing or during licence ...
ArtiCAD Activation Window
When you first install ArtiCAD you need to activate your system. Your Activation code and instructions on how to use it are supplied in the welcome pack you receive when you purchased the system. You have seven days from when you first installed the ...
Dongle Error
Version 21 and higher can only be used with Electronic HASP licences. Please contact your local ArtiCAD Support Team for more information. This can be caused by an out of date version of ArtiCAD. Please update to the latest version of the software by ...
Articad.dll missing
This is commonly seen when upgrading to the latest version, if you accidentally install just a patch - instead of a full install of the new version. When loading the software, if ArtiCAD brings up an error message regarding .dll files missing, it ...
e00001 ArtiCAD Directory too old
ArtiCAD brings up an error message regarding 'e00001 articad directory too old', it usually means that the .dll files in ArtiCAD are out of date. To resolve this: 1. Close down any error messages, and load an internet browser. 2. Go to the ArtiCAD ...
Error opening file for writing
This error appears when trying to install a file when ArtiCAD is still running/open. To resolve this: 1. Close the ArtiCAD application. 2. Run the installation again. If the error continues, restart your PC and start the installation again.
Config ini missing
Commonly seen when upgrading to the latest version, installing just a patch instead of a full install of the new version. When loading the software, if ArtiCAD brings up an error message regarding config.ini files missing, it usually means the ...
Could not open ‘C:\articad\’
This is caused when the config.ini file has become corrupt. You need to replace the config.ini file and the easiest way is to have a full reinstall. To resolve this: 1. Close down any error messages, and load an internet browser. 2. Go to the ...
.NET Framework Error
This a windows error on the PC, either has missing or an out of date .netframework. ArtiCAD requires a minimum of .netframework 4 installed on the PC to run. To resolve this: 1. Close any error messages, and load an internet browser. 2. Go ...
CAD0 database error
This error code can appear upon opening ArtiCAD or while using ArtiCAD. To resolve [Opening]: 1. Close the error. 2. Update the software by visiting the members area. To resolve [When using ArtiCAD]: 1. Close the error. 2. Select Special at the top ...